02 6123 2944

Nothing is more disarming than a teddy bear or quality soft toy. Whether it is a rare limited edition collectable or an everyday “drag and drop” bear or doll, these are a novel way to engage audiences in your work or activity. If you need a novel product or promotional gift let us help you create a bear or doll that stands out from the rest.

Call today to find out how you can get these ever-cute bears and dolls working for your brand or project.

Email: [email protected] Phone: 02 6123 2944

Limited only by imagination

Creating a bear or doll for marketing or retail purposes demands careful consideration of its intent, the audience and the message it will carry for your brand or project.  Our creative team will happily work with you to create a stunning bear matched to your needs.  It can be as simple or detailed as you want.  Here are some examples of bear marketing.

AGW Bears

Client: Australia in the Great War
Requirement: Create a series of collectable Limited Edition bears for release during the Anzac Centenary to broaden people’s interest in commemorations.Align bear styles to key commemoration events/stories to support staged release.
Detail: Maintain historic accuracy in all elements, including uniform and supporting information.
Process: Engage historian advisor to guide every detail in uniforms, metal badges, embroidered patches and historic content.
Outcome: The Australian Infantry, Navy and Air Corps bears have achieved a massive following for AGW and will be used in all Australian primary schools in 2018 to support centenary learning activities.

Service Bears

Client: Military Shop.
Requirement: A set of inexpensive uniformed service bears that reflected each arm of service for retail as gifts.
Detail:A product safe for children with no detachable parts.
Process:Liaise with defence subject matter experts to create uniform elements and camouflage fabric pattern reflective of the official pattern.
Outcome: These bears are popular gifts across all ages and have sold in excess of 10,000 units.

Kenny Koala Police Bears

Client: ACT Policing (AFP)
Requirement: Modernise Constable Kenny Koala for use by ACT Policingin educational promotions and events. 
Detail: Create “an engaging and very different” bear that reflected tactical response uniform
Process: Liaise with AFP subject matter experts in deciding key elements to include in the design to ensure the uniform accurately reflects current policing yet is engaging with younger audience.
Outcome: Tactical Kenny is used widely in ACT Policing educational events and has broadened the engagement with younger audiences.

Nurse Doll

Client: Australia in the Great War
Requirement:  A retail product to engage younger females in Anzac Centenary commemorations.
Detail: Create a traditional WWI nurse rag-doll (child safe) reminiscent of the period commemorated and provide base information on an attached swing tag to inspire further research.
Process: Liaise with historian to maintain historic accuracy
Outcome: Nurse Doll has retailed successfully and additional production runs have been required to meet consumer demand.

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